Gain confidence and language necessary to lead inclusively and contribute to the organizational DEI strategy. One-on-one or small group sessions led by experienced DEI practitioners create a safe space to tackle charged issues and develop an action plan.
Combined with training DEI coaching helps leaders apply practical principles to their day-to-day approach to inclusion and managing
diverse teams.
Data-Driven Multicultural and Multilingual Education, Engagement and
Empowering Campaign for Metro Nashville Planning Department - NashvilleNEXT

Project: NashvilleNEXT
Client Company: Nashville Davidson County Metro Planning Department
Dates of project: June 2012 to August 2015
Type of Project: Master plan for the next 25 years
Goals: Educate. Engage. Empower.
NashvilleNext was the process to create a plan for the future of Nashville. The process gathered the ideas and input of people who cared about Nashville — from residents to business owners to commuting workers to city leaders — as well as experts of all backgrounds. The plan’s elements included art and culture, economic development, education, environment, transportation, diversity, livable communities, public safety, and more. The goal of NashvilleNext was to create a plan that will ensure the prosperity and well-being of the city and region for the next 25 years. In this, the success of NashvilleNext depended on community engagement.
The process was based on four pillars:
1. Efficient Government
2. Economic Development
3. Environment and
4. Equity.
Our team was part of the public relations and community outreach team with MP&F Communications. Our tasks included:
Brand Ambassador Training and Management
Transcreations of Communications Pieces
Multicultural Community Outreach
Community Engagement
Event Planning/Community Meetings
Focus Groups
Public Relations
Media Relations